Check Engine Light is on? Don’t Delay Service

A dashboard shows a lit-up check engine light

No driver wants to see the check engine light come on in their car. This unnerving appearance on your dashboard might as well be a flashing dollar sign, warning you of upcoming expenses. But while it’s tempting to hope it will just turn off by itself, it’s not a wise idea. This little light can… Read more »

Damage the Extreme Summer Heat Can Cause to Your Vehicle

The driver of the car directs a powder fire extinguisher at the engine compartment of the car in which there is fire and smoke.

Now that the summer is officially upon us, we’re in for a few months of sun and heat. Anyone whose lived in Nevada long enough is no stranger to scorching temperatures this time of year. But what you might not have considered is what this extreme heat is doing to your vehicle. The potential problems… Read more »

Why You Shouldn’t Wait on Your Vehicle’s Oil Change

A mechanic pours oil into a vehicle

If you’re like most people, seeing that little sticker in the corner of your windshield reminding you it’s time for an oil change might not send you rushing to the auto shop. But here’s a bit of friendly advice: not overlooking this simple maintenance can save you a lot of headache and wallet ache down… Read more »

Understanding Your Check Engine Light

A dashboard shows a lit-up check engine light

Everyone who owns a vehicle has been there – cruising along the open road when suddenly the dreaded check engine light comes on. You know that something’s wrong with your vehicle, but you don’t know exactly what. It’s enough to ruin your day. If you’re interested in demystifying this little glowing icon, here’s some more… Read more »

How to Prepare Your Vehicle for a Road Trip

Mechanic Working on a vehicle's engine

Now that we’re in the thick of spring, the weather is improving, and people are planning their spring and summer getaways. If you have a road trip on the docket this summer, the last thing you’re going to want to deal with is car issues. That’s why it’s so important to make sure your vehicle… Read more »

Signs It’s Time for a New Car Battery

A car battery inside an engine

One of the most inconvenient things that can happen to you as a car owner is your battery dying when you’re away from home. Everything seems fine one minute and the next you’re stuck in a grocery store parking lot, waiting on a tow or a kind stranger to jumpstart your engine. While it may… Read more »

Often Overlooked Vehicle Maintenance

wheel alignment

No one wants their vehicle to suddenly stop working, forcing them to suddenly spend multiple hours in a repair shop waiting room or several days waiting to get their car back. Yet many people overlook some simple maintenance that helps ensure that your vehicle runs smoothly. You don’t have to be an automobile expert to… Read more »

Why Won’t My Car Start?

A woman looks in her vehicle's engine

It’s one of the most frustrating things that can happen to a person. You get in your car to get ready to head out somewhere. Maybe you’re headed to work, or home from work after a long, stressful day. Perhaps you’re trying to meet some friends out or are about to start off on a… Read more »

How to Know When It’s Time for New Motorcycle Tires

A woman checks on her motorcycle tire

A motorcycle affords you a feeling of freedom that most other vehicles cannot. Any experienced rider knows how to protect themselves on their bike – they wear a helmet and are careful not to put themselves in anyone’s blind spot. But one danger a biker may not consider is riding on failing tires that need… Read more »

Signs You Need to Get your Transmission Checked

Part of a transmission system of a car

The transmission in your car plays a valuable role in allowing your vehicle to function properly. Its purpose is to ensure that the exact right amount of power is sent to the wheels to drive at your desired speed. When it starts to fail or not work as well as it should, you need to… Read more »